Paper Folding

    Paper is rather inexpensive and readily available these days. The Scrap Booking craze has brought us such a large selection of paper in a wide variety of prints, solids and weights. One great source for folding materials is even free for the asking!  I’ll only tell you about it IF you will contact me after you view my web site and let me know what you think.
     There are many different arts of paper folding, I’m sure I have only found a few of them myself.  The first time I heard ‘Tea Bag’ folding I had to chuckle a little.  But no more, I am very much in awe of the lovely motifs that are created by folding the smallish squares and arranging them so smartly.   To learn more you can check out the folks at Search Press Ltd, they have a great group of instructional books that comes with a nice selection of papers also. They can be found a
 ‘Iris Folding’.  I think I saw this on the Carol Duvall Show one morning.  Imagine my surprise when the finished piece was not an iris flower.  Do you know that the term refers to the lens of a camera?  Ms Eileen Goddard states that this is a relatively new craft that was developed in Holland at the beginning of the millennium.  And that it has its roots in the ecological desire to recycle, while also creating something beautiful.  Let me recommend her book “Iris Folding – techniques for papercrafters”
ISBN 1-84448-105-0.
    Who among us has never taken a scrape of paper and folded it into a simple shape?  Every time you fold a sheet after writing a letter you are creating ‘mountain and valley’ folds with out thinking about  it.  Now you might ask, what is a mountain or valley fold?  These are terms you first learn as you begin to explore the arts of Origami and others. 
    Because of limited space, I can not give you a complete history of these crafts, but I hope that you can learn all you want to by starting where you are – on the computer.
    May I suggest a quick Google search: simple type in teabag folding or iris folding or origami, etc.  A site that I visit often is

Please share with me your favorite sites and let’s all continue to enjoy the many different arts of paper folding. 
Sincerely, MaryLee, The Georgia Crafter.

 “Paper Folding Made Easy” by Kris Mason
 ISBN  0-87349-451-2

“Passion for Paper”   by Design Originals Suzanne McNeill  ISBN 1-57421-474-8
or go to

Click on Image Below for more pictures of that type of Paper Folding


Miscellaneous Paper Folding Items


Paper Folded Cards


Paper Folded Boxes